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Miniaturized lensless imaging systems for cell and microorganism visualization in point-of-care testing
Authors:Gurkan Umut Atakan  Moon Sangjun  Geckil Hikmet  Xu Feng  Wang Shuqi  Lu Tian Jian  Demirci Utkan
Affiliation:Demirci Bio-Acoustic MEMS in Medicine (BAMM) Labs at the HST-BWH Center for Bioengineering, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. udemirci@rics.bwh.harvard.edu
Abstract:Low-cost, robust, and user-friendly diagnostic capabilities at the point-of-care (POC) are critical for treating infectious diseases and preventing their spread in developing countries. Recent advances in micro- and nanoscale technologies have enabled the merger of optical and fluidic technologies (optofluidics) paving the way for cost-effective lensless imaging and diagnosis for POC testing in resource-limited settings. Applications of the emerging lensless imaging technologies include detecting and counting cells of interest, which allows rapid and affordable diagnostic decisions. This review presents the advances in lensless imaging and diagnostic systems, and their potential clinical applications in developing countries. The emerging technologies are reviewed from a POC perspective considering cost effectiveness, portability, sensitivity, throughput and ease of use for resource-limited settings.
Keywords:Lensless imaging  Microfluidics  Point-of-care  Resource-limited settings
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