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A comparison of venation pattern development in wild type and a homeotic sepaloid petal mutant of Clarkia tembloriensis (Onagraceae)
Authors:Nancy L. Smith-Huerta
Affiliation:Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 45056
Abstract:Vascular system development in sepals, petals, and sepaloid petals was compared in wild-type and crinkled petal mutant plants of Clarkia tembloriensis. Patterns of vascularization in cleared whole mounts were visualized and traced under both brightfield and polarizing illumination. Wild-type sepals exhibited a basipetal pattern of maturation, with tracheary elements maturing relatively rapidly. Mature sepals had three primary veins with numerous secondary veins. In contrast, wild-type petals exhibited an acropetal pattern of maturation, with tracheary elements maturing relatively slowly. The mature petals had only one primary vein with numerous secondary veins. Sepaloid (crinkled) petals combined characteristics of both wild-type sepals and wild-type petals. They exhibited a basipetal pattern of development and a relatively rapid maturation of the tracheary elements characteristic of wild-type sepals. Venation architecture in crinkled petal mutants showed a single primary vein with numerous secondary veins, similar to wild-type petals. The crinkled petal mutant fits the definition of a homeotic mutant in that the petal has assumed characteristics of the sepal. However, homeotic transformation from petal to sepal is incomplete since the crinkled petal still retains many of the characteristics of wild-type petals.
Keywords:Clarkia tembloriensis  mutant  Onagraceae  petals  sepals  venation pattern
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