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Behavioural displays to gustatory stimuli in newborn rabbit pups
Authors:Ganchrow, Judith R.   Oppenheimer, Moshe   Steiner, Jacob E.
Abstract:Motor displays in the face and head regions of 33 neonate rabbits(less than 24 hrs post partum) in response to taste stimulationwere examined. A droplet of taste solution was placed mediallyon the pup's lips and the ensuing behavioral repertoire wastallied over a 60 sec period in a double blind situation. Tastantsincluded 2 concentrations each of sucrose, saccharin, citricacid and quinine. Distilled water was used as a stimulant andfor intertrial rinses. Response characteristics to the varioustaste stimuli were differentiable, specific and reproduciblewithin and across animals. Certain response features were moreoften associated with one stimulus than with another. Quinineoften produced mouth opening (gaping) and head movements, whereassucrose was associated with a quiet animal licking and makingcharacteristic mouth movements. Sour reactions often resembledthose to sweet, but other features helped distinguish thoseresponses. Reactions proved to be concentration-dependent anddifferent from those to water. Quality and hedonic value wereusually accurately judged and corresponded to adult preferencebehaviors. It was inferred that rabbits at this early age arealready equipped with a functioning taste system up to the brainstemlevel. Cross-species comparisons of stereotyped reactions werediscussed.
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