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Laboratory and field observations on the scuticociliate Histiobalantium from the pelagic zone of Lake Constance, FRG
Authors:M{diaeresis}ller, Helga   Weisse, Thomas
Affiliation:1University of Konstanz, Limnological Institute PO Box 5560, D-78434, Konstanz, FRG
Abstract:Histiobalantium sp. was found regularly in the pelagic zoneof Lake Constance, FRG, over five annual cycles. Maxima of upto 6400 cells l–1 were recorded in late summer, with similarnumbers in the 0–8 and 8–20 m depth intervals. Onan annual average, the population accounted for 10–17%of the total biomass of planktonic ciliates. In the laboratory,Histiobalantium grew well on a diet of the cryptophyte Rhodomonassp. Maximum growth rates obtained in batch cultures were 0.21and 0.33 day–11 at 9 and 18°C, respectively. In situexperiments using diffusion chambers yielded positive growthrates in autumn and winter. The highest values recorded at theambient temperatures 5, 14 and 17°C were 0.17, 0.32 and0.40 day–1, respectively. Comparing these results withthe different seasonal distributions and higher measured growthrates of other ciliates from Lake Constance, we conclude thatHistiobalantium is a superior competitor at relatively low algalfood concentrations. 2Present address: Fisheries & Oceans Canada, 4160 MarineDrive, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1N6, Canada
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