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Kazachstania psychrophila sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic yeast isolated from vacuum-packed beef
Authors:Jan Kabisch  Constanze Höning  Christina Böhnlein  Rohtraud Pichner  Manfred Gareis  Mareike Wenning
Affiliation:1. Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, Max Rubner-Institute, Hermann-Weigmannstra?e 1, 24103, Kiel, Germany
2. Chair of Food Safety, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Sch?nleutnerstra?e 8, Oberschlei?heim, 85764, Munich, Germany
3. Abteilung Mikrobiologie, Zentralinstitut für Ern?hrungs-und Lebensmittelforschung (ZIEL), Technische Universit?t München, Weihenstephaner Berg 3, 85350, Freising, Germany
Abstract:Five novel ascosporogenous yeast strains (H382, H396, H409, H433T and H441) were found through a survey of vacuum-packed beef microbiota. Sequence analysis of ITS domain and LSU rRNA genes showed that the new strains represent a distinct lineage within the genus Kazachstania, closely related to Kazachstania lodderae (97.0 % identity) and Kazachstania ichnusensis (96.1 % identity). The main difference of strains H382, H396, H409, H433T and H441 to strains of known Kazachstania species is the maximum growth temperature, which is below 20 °C for the new strains, whereas related species grow at 25 °C. Furthermore, the strains differed from known Kazachstania species in assimilation and fermentation patterns of carbon sources. Based on these characteristics, the five strains are considered to represent a novel species of the genus Kazachstania for which the name Kazachstania psychrophila sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is H433T (DSM 26230T=CBS 12689T). The Mycobank number of the type strain is MB 803980.
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