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Control of crops leaf growth by chemical and hydraulic influences
Authors:Puliga, Serenella   Vazzana, Concetta   Davies, William J.
Abstract:Three species of forage grasses (Festuca arundinacea, Eragrostiscurvula, Sporobolus stapfianus) commonly grown in the Mediterraneanregion were subjected to a soil drying treatment. Leaf growthrate in F. arundinacea was highly sensitive to soil drying andlow growth rates were associated with high laminar turgors.The production of ABA was stimulated by soil drying and therewas a clear relation between increasing ABA accumulation andreduction in leaf growth. Leaf growth of E. cutvula, a C4 warmseason grass, was relatively insensitive to soil drying whichwas not accompanied by a substantial increase in leaf ABA content.S. stapfianus, a resurrection plant, was highly sensitive todecreasing soil water availability. In these two latter species,leaf growth was substantially restricted before ABA accumulationoccurred. It is suggested that reductions in laminar turgorof E. curvula and S. stapfianus may be limiting leaf growthas soil dries. The results indicated a different mechanism ofsensing and responding to reduction in soil water availabilityfor the three species studied. The relative importance of thechemical and hydraulic control of leaf growth is discussed. Key words: Leaf growth, water relations, abscisic acid, Festuca arundinacea, Eragrostis curvula, Sporobolus stapfianus
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