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After-effect of Water Stress on Stomatal Opening Potential: I. TECHNIQUES AND MAGNITUDES
Abstract:The after-effect of a period of water stress upon the light-openingability of stomata was studied in tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum)and broad bean (Vicia faba). Stomatal opening was always measuredafter floating leaf discs on water under favourable conditionsof light and temperature to obtain maximal opening at full leafturgor. Thus possible interference due to persistence of leaf-waterdeficits in the post-stress leaves was eliminated. Stomatalaperture was accurately estimated using a resistance porometer;values so obtained were substantiated by the direct measurementof aperture. Two to 4 days of wilting of tobacco, producing leaf-water deficitsof 30 to 40 per cent, had a marked after-effect on tobacco stomata.The ability to open in light was depressed and complete recoveryfrom this depression required 2 to 5 days after rewatering.In some cases over-recovery was observed; this was probablyrelated to a physiologically younger condition of leaves ofstressed plants following turgor recovery. In beans similarstresses caused after-effects smaller in magnitude but qualitativelysimilar to those in tobacco. In both tobacco and beans the magnitudeof the after-effect was approximately proportional to the leaf-waterdeficit attained immediately prior to rewatering.
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