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Morphological integration and pleiotropy in the adaptive body shape of the snail‐feeding carabid beetle Damaster blaptoides
Authors:Junji Konuma  Satoshi Yamamoto  Teiji Sota
Affiliation:1. Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, , Sakyo, Kyoto, 606‐8502 Japan;2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Toho University, , Funabashi, Chiba, 274‐8510 Japan;3. Faculty of Human Development, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, , Nada, Kobe, 657‐8501 Japan
Abstract:The snail‐feeding carabid beetle Damaster blaptoides exhibits diverse head and thorax morphologies, and these morphotypes are linked with two alternative feeding behaviours. Stout‐shaped beetles feed on snails by crushing the shells, whereas slender‐shaped beetles consume snails by inserting their heads into the shells. A trade‐off exists between these feeding strategies. Because intermediate‐shaped beetles are less proficient in these two behaviours, stout–slender morphological divergence occurs between related species feeding on land snails. To examine the genetic basis of these morphotypes, we conducted morphological analyses and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping using backcross offspring between the stout and slender subspecies. The morphological analyses showed that the width and length of the beetle body parts were correlated with each other; in particular, the head width (HW) and thorax length (TL) were strongly negatively correlated. QTL mapping showed that QTLs for HW and TL are located in close proximity to one another on the longest linkage group and that they have positive and negative additive genetic effects. Our results suggest that the adaptive phenotypic sets of a wide head and short thorax and a narrow head and long thorax are based on the closeness of these QTLs. Morphological integration between the head and thorax may play an important role in the adaptive divergence of these beetles.
Keywords:adaptive radiation  complex trait  ecological specialization  morphological integration  pleiotropy  QTL mapping
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