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Identification of enzyme activity quantitative trait loci in a Solanum lycopersicum x Solanum pennellii introgression line population
Authors:Steinhauser Marie-Caroline  Steinhauser Dirk  Gibon Yves  Bolger Marie  Arrivault Stéphanie  Usadel Björn  Zamir Dani  Fernie Alisdair R  Stitt Mark
Affiliation:Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, 14476 Potsdam-Golm, Germany. mcdurand@fundp.ac.be
Abstract:Activities of 28 enzymes from central carbon metabolism were measured in pericarp tissue of ripe tomato fruits from field trials with an introgression line (IL) population generated by introgressing segments of the genome of the wild relative Solanum pennellii (LA0716) into the modern tomato cultivar Solanum lycopersicum M82. Enzyme activities were determined using a robotized platform in optimized conditions, where the activities largely reflect the level of the corresponding proteins. Two experiments were analyzed from years with markedly different climate conditions. A total of 27 quantitative trait loci were shared in both experiments. Most resulted in increased enzyme activity when a portion of the S. lycopersicum genome was substituted with the corresponding portion of the genome of S. pennellii. This reflects the change in activity between the two parental genotypes. The mode of inheritance was studied in a heterozygote IL population. A similar proportion of quantitative trait loci (approximately 30%) showed additive, recessive, and dominant modes of inheritance, with only 5% showing overdominance. Comparison with the location of putative genes for the corresponding proteins indicates a large role of trans-regulatory mechanisms. These results point to the genetic control of individual enzyme activities being under the control of a complex program that is dominated by a network of trans-acting genes.
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