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引用本文:董Wei 姜鹏. 记吉林集安仙人洞的鹿类化石,兼述我国斑鹿化石的分类[J]. 古脊椎动物学报, 1993, 31(2): 117-131
作者姓名:董Wei 姜鹏
摘    要:本文记述了产于吉林省集安县大路乡仙人洞洞穴堆积中的晚更新世鹿超科化石。这些化石可以分别归入麝科Moschidae和鹿科Cervidae,共四个种:Moschus moschiferus, Cervus (Sika) nippon horiulorum, Megaloceros ordosianus和Capreolus manchuricus。它们代表四种大小不同的鹿类动物,同为我国北方猛犸象-披毛犀动物群的成员。本文还指出斑鹿亚属的拉丁学名应为Sika,而不是Pseudaxis。产于我国的斑鹿化石可分为四个种。

关 键 词:吉林集安  晚更新世  鹿超科  斑鹿亚属

Dong Wei. THE LATE PLEISTOCENE CERVOIDEA (ARTIODACTYLA) FROM XIANREN CAVE, JI'AN, JILIN[J]. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 1993, 31(2): 117-131
Authors:Dong Wei
Abstract:Xianren Cave at Ji'an in Jilin Province was first exc(?) Mted in 1989 by the prehistory research team of Jilin Province Institute of Archaeology. At least 16 species of fossil mammal have been identified among which there are four of the Cervoidea as follows:Family Moschidae Gray, 1821 Genus Moschus Linnaeus, 1758 Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus, 1758 (Pl Ⅰ, Figs. 6—8) Material Three upper canines (JW046—048); a right M~2 (JW043); five incomplete young mandibles (JW001, JW003, JW008—010), five, incomplete adult mandibles (JW002, JW004—007).Remarks The upper canine is large and saber-like exactly as in living musk deer. Both upper and lower cheek teeth are quite similar to those of living form as well as of Moschus moschiferus pekinensis of Loc. 1 at Choukoutien,. Beijing and Moschus moschiferus plicodon at Yianjinggou, Sichuan Province. The specimens are evidently larger than Pliocene Moschus grandaevus at Dalai Nor, Nei Mongol.Family Cervidae Gray, 1821 Genus Cervus Linnaeus, 1758 Subgenus Cervus ika) Sclater, 1870 (= Pseudaxis Gray, 1872) Cervus (Sika) nippon Temminck, 1837 Cervus (Sika) nippon hortulorum (Swinhoe), 1864 (Pl Ⅰ, Figs, 1—3)Material Three isolated I_1 (JW052—054), two right W~2 (JW032, JW038), a left M~1 (JW035), two left M~2 (JW032—033), a fragment of right maxilla with M~1 and M~2 (JW016), three adult mandibles (JW018—019, JW025), five young mandibles (JW020, JW023—024, JW027, JW039), and some isolated cheek teeth.Remarks The specimens are quite similar to those of Cervus (Sika) nippon hortulorum (=Pseudaxis hortulorum, Pei, 1936, 1940)of Loc. 3 and Upper Cave at Choukoutien and can be attributed to the species. Cervus (Pseudaxis) hortulorum was named by Swinhoe in 1864 for some sika deer shoot at Summer Palace in Beijing (Lydekker, 1898). But the name is later used to refer to the sika deer in north-eastern China. Pei (1936, 1940) referred to the specimens of Loc.3 and Upper Cave at Choukoutien under this name for their resemblance and that was followed by later workers in fossil study in China. But Lydekker revised the subgenus name from Pseudaxis to Sika (Lydekker, 1915), and the species was considered as subspecies of Cervus (Sika) nippon (Ellerman and Morrison, 1966). Therefore, Cervus. (Pseudaxis) hortulorum is synonym of Corvus (Sika) nippon hortulorum.Genus Megaloceros Brookes, 1828 Megaloceros ordosianus (Young), 1932 (Pl Ⅰ, Figs. 4—5)Material Three right I_1 (JW049-051), a fragment of left maxilla with D~2-D~3 (JW031), a left D~3 (JW037), a right M_2 (JW (020) and a left M~3 (JW037), a right M~2 (J W029) and a left M~3 (JW026).Remarks The specimens (teeth only) are similar to those of Megaloceros ordosianus and M. pachyosteus. Unfort(?) there is neither lower jaw nor antler found in the cave for detailed comparison. But the gen(?) appearance of M. ordosianus and absence of M. pachyosteus in the surrounding localities permit us to attribute the specimens to M. ordosianus.Genus Capreolus Frisch, 1775 Capreolus manchuricus Lydekker, 1898 (Pl Ⅰ, Figs. 9—10)Material A right ~2 (JW017), a young right mandible (JW012), an adult right mandible (JW013), two fragments of mandibles (JW014—015).Remarks The specimens are morphologically the same as those of Capreolus manchuricus found at Yushu, Jilin Province and at Shengchi, Henan Province. They are also similar to Siberian roe deer (Capreolus capreolus pygargus), but a little larger than European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus capreolus). Capreolus manchuricus was first reported by Noack and named by Lydekker (1898) originally to refer to the roes in Hinggan Ling Mountains in north-east China (formal Manchouria). The roes are smaller than Siberian roes according to Noack. Zdansky (1925) attributed the Pleistocene roes found in Henan to Capreolus manchuricus. But the Chinese Pleistocene roe specimens are very similar to those of Siberian roes conserved in National Museum of Natural History in Paris. It is likely that the two groups might be the same, Capreolus manchuricus and Capreolus capreolus pygargus might be synonyms, and the roes aw by Noack might be a verity of the subspecies.ConclusionThe deer found in Xianren Cave at Ji'an, Jilin Province are of species of four sizes. The young individuals number nearly half of the total, and the aged individuals among adults are numerous. There is no prehistory human trace found in the cave. So they are very likely the remains left by the cave dwelling predators.Moschus moschiferus at Ji'an is the first identified Pleistocene musk deer species in northeast China and its distribution is further north than formally reported. Corvus (Sika) nippon hortulorum is also the first identified Pleistocene sikine species in the region. The other two species are well known in the area. All of them are members of Late Pleistocene Mammuthus Coelodonta fauna. Megaloceros is extinct at he end of the Pleistocene due to very likely climatic changes (e. g. the end of glaciation). The Specimens found in the cave also offer a good subject for studying the evolutionary lineages between fossil and living deer.
Keywords:Ji'an   Jilin  Laet Pleistocene  Cervoidea
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