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Effects of northern pike on patterns of nest use and resproductive behavior of male fathead minnows in a boreal lake
Authors:Jones, Hilary M.   Paszkowaki, Cynthis A.
Affiliation:Department of Biology Sciences, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2E9, Canada
Abstract:We conducted a two-part study to assets predator avoidance byreproductive male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelos) subjectedto predation threat from northern pike (Esox lucius). First,we determined if patterns of nest use by egg-guarding male minnowsin a boreal lake were related to pike densities. We samplednorthern pike and identified four areas of "high pike-density"and three areas of "low pike-density." We censused natural nestsand placed nest boards in these areas. We found eggs on naturalnests more frequently in areas with low densities of pike thanin areas with high densities of pike. However, we could notfully explain the distribution of nests by predation risk. Second,we evaluated the behavioral response of egg-guarding males toa control stimulus (a piece of wood) or a live pike in a wirecage. We used time to return to the nest after a stimulus asa measure of risk taking. Males took different amounts of riskbased on predation threat; males in the predator treatment tooklonger to return to their nests than control males. Risk takingwas not related to the number or age of the eggs but to distanceto nearest egg-guarding neighbor; males with close neighborsreturned sooner than more isolated males. Males in the predatortreatment had lower total activity and egg rubbing than controlmales after they returned to their nests. We conclude that malefathead minnows altered their reproductive behavior in waysthat reduced predation risk, but the cost of predator avoidancemight include egg predation, lost mating opportunities, or usurpationof nests
Keywords:egg–  guarding, encounter rate, Esox lucius, Pimephales promelas, predation.
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