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Biosynthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane B2 by fetal lung homogenates
Authors:W.S. Powell  Samuel Solomon  
Affiliation:1. Departments of Biochemistry, Experimental Medicine Montreal, Canada H3A 1A1;2. Obstetrics and Gynecology, McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 1A1;3. University Clinic, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Canada H3A 1A1
Abstract:The conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins (PG's) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2) was investigated in homogenates from fetal and adult bovine and rabbit lungs. Adult bovine lungs were very active in converting arachidonic acid (100 μg/g tissue) to both PGE2 (10.7 μg/g tissue) and TXB2 (6.2 μ/g tissue). Smaller amounts of PGF (0.9 μ/g) and 6-oxoPGF were formed. Homogenates from fetal calf lungs during the third trimester of pregnancy were quite active in converting arachidonic acid to PGE2, but formed very little TXB2, PGF or 6-oxoPGF. Homogenates from rabbit lungs converted arachidonic acid (100 μg/g) mainly to PGE2, both before and after birth. The amount of PGE2 formed increased during gestation to a maximum of about 6 μg/g tissue at 28 days of gestation. It then decreased to a minimum (1.5 μg/g) which was observed 8 days after birth, followed by an increase to about 4 μg/g in older rabbits.
Keywords:Reprint requests to W.S.P. at the Department of Endocrinology   Royal Victoria Hospital   687 Pine Avenue West   Montreal   Canada H3A 1A1.
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