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Interactome Analysis of Microtubule-targeting Agents Reveals Cytotoxicity Bases in Normal Cells
Abstract:Cancer causes millions of deaths annually and microtubule-targeting agents(MTAs) are the most commonly-used anti-cancer drugs. However, the high toxicity of MTAs on normal cells raises great concern. Due to the non-selectivity of MTA targets, we analyzed the interaction network in a non-cancerous human cell. Subnetworks of fourteen MTAs were reconstructed and the merged network was compared against a randomized network to evaluate the functional richness. We found that 71.4% of the MTA interactome nodes are shared, which affects cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell differentiation, cell cycle control, stress response, and regulation of energy metabolism. Additionally, possible secondary targets were identi?ed as client proteins of interphase microtubules. MTAs affect apoptosis signaling pathways by interacting with client proteins of interphase microtubules, suggesting that their primary targets are non-tumor cells. The paclitaxel and doxorubicin networks share essential topological axes, suggesting synergistic effects.This may explain the exacerbated toxicity observed when paclitaxel and doxorubicin are used in combination for cancer treatment.
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