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Nest mate recognition in ants with complex colonies: within- and between-population variation
Authors:Stuart  Robin J; Herbers  Joan M
Institution:Department of Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA
Abstract:The ability to recognize kin is widespread, and especially importantin highly social organisms. We studied kin recognition by assessingpatterns of aggression within and between nests of the antLeptothorax longispinosus. Colonies of this species can befractionated into subunits, a condition called polydomy. Theproblem of recognizing relatives is therefore more complexwhen those relatives can live in two or more different places.We hypothesized that spatial subdivision may have resulted ina stronger genetic component to kin recognition than in caseswhere colonies live in a single location. To test our hypothesiswe assessed recognition capabilities for two populations ofthis ant that differ in the complexity of their colonies. Ina New York, USA, population, polydomy is very common, and coloniesalso can have multiple queens. By contrast, a population inWest Virginia, USA, has colonies that typically are monogynousand rarely are polydomous. We conducted introductions of antsbetween different nests collected in the same neighborhood,with self-introductions and alien introductions as controls.Nests from the two populations showed corresponding differencesin their aggression towards intruders. For New York nests, the extent of genetic similarity was the single best predictor ofaggression, whereas for West Virginia nests aggression wasjointly influenced by genetic similarity and spatial distance.In both populations, we found nest pairs for which aggressionwas nonreciprocal; these probably reflect recognition errors by one of the nests. After the ants were maintained in the laboratoryfor 3 months, their aggression scores rose and fewer recognitionerrors were made. Thus nest-mate and colony-mate recognitionin this species are mediated primarily by endogenous cues (geneticsimilarity); the importance of exogenous cues for nest materecognition depends on the population's social system.
Keywords:nest mate recognition  social insects  ants  colony structure  
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