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The Boxgrove,England, middle Pleistocene herpetofauna: Paleogeographic,evolutionary, stratigraphic,and paleoecological relationships
Authors:J. Alan Holman
Affiliation:Michigan State University Museum , East Lansing, Michigan, 48824–1045, USA
Abstract:Triturus vulgaris (smooth newt), Triturus helveticus or T. vulgaris (palmate or smooth newt), Triturus sp. (newt), Pelobates fuscus (common spadefoot), Bufo bufo (common toad), Bufo calamita (natterjack toad), Bufo sp. (toad), Rana arvalis (moor frog), Rana temporaria (common frog), Rana sp. (frog), Anguis fragilis (slow worm), Lacerta cf. L. vivipara (common lizard), Natrix natrix (grass snake), and Natrix sp. (grass, viperine, or dice snake) were identified at the Middle Pleistocene Boxgrove Site, West Sussex, England. This is the first British fossil record of Pelobates fuscus and the earliest fossil record in Britain for the endangered species Bufo calamita. All of these herpetological species are extant and all of them occur in Britain today with the exception of Pelobates fuscus and Rana arvalis that presently live on the European continent.

The Boxgrove, Westbury, and West Runton British pre‐Anglian Middle Pleistocene herpetofaunas show no apparent differences among themselves in patterns of species composition, diversity, or number of exotics. But these three herpetofaunas together have [1] less species diversity and [2] fewer exotic continental species than in the Cudmore Grove British post‐Anglian Middle Pleistocene herpetofauna.

Only the Terrestral Sequence Unit at Boxgrove yielded enough herpetological species for paleoecological interpretation. These taxa indicate a quiet pool surrounded by a somewhat humid vegetated area that gave way to a more xerophytic sandy area, and a paleoclimate at least as warm and perhaps somewhat warmer than occurs in the area today.
Keywords:Herpetofauna  boxgrove  middle pleistocene  england
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