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Change in Gene Expression in Radish Cotyledons during Dark-Induced Senescence
Authors:Kawakami, Naoto   Watanabe, Akira
Affiliation:Research Institute for Biochemical Regulation, Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan
Abstract:Cotyledons detached from light-grown radish (Raphanus sativusL. cv. Comet) seedlings were used as a model system to studythe changes in nuclear gene expression during dark-induced senescenceof green leaves. Polyadenylated RNA was prepared from the cotyledonsat different times and then translated in a wheat germ system.Approximately 1,000 different polypeptides of the translationproducts were separated from each other by two-dimensional gelelectrophoresis. As judged from the density of autoradiographicspots of the translation products, the induction of senescenceby dark treatment involved an increase in 26 species, a decreasein 11 species, and a temporary increase and subsequent decreasein 8 species of translatable mRNA. A similar pattern of changein protein synthesis was also observed in the dark-treated cotyledonswhen the cotyledons were pulse-labeled with 35S-methionine andthe soluble proteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis,though the polypeptide pattern on the gel did not coincide exactlywith those of the cell-free translation products. These findingsstrongly suggest that the process of leaf senescence is notsimply a passive and gradual death of the tissue, but involvesa drastic and sequential response of the cells to environmentalstimuli with respect to the gene expression of the cells. (Received July 21, 1987; Accepted September 30, 1987)
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