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Welternährung zu Beginn des 21.Jahrhunderts: Die globale Ernährungssituation
Authors:Claus Leitzmann
Abstract:At the beginning of the 21st century the global nutrition situation is characterized by hunger and undernutrition on the one hand and overnutriton and obesity on the other hand. The global food production is more than sufficient to cover the nutritional needs of all people. The causes of hunger and undernutrition are an insufficent food consumption due to poverty, which is worsened by natural catastrophes and ecological damages. The consequences of undernutrition are marasmus, kwashiorkor, lindness, goiter and a reduced mental development. For the improvement of the nutrition situation various measures are appropiate, which should be employed specific for target groups and as aid to self‐help. The world‐wide existing overweight can be avoided or reduced by proper food selection and preparation of meals. The globalisation of our nutrition system increases ecological damages. A careful handling of our nutrition basis is necessary to sustain life.
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