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引用本文:刘芳,柯道平,孔德虎. 豚鼠交感神经节非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位与蛙皮素、P物质的关系[J]. 动物学杂志, 2005, 40(1): 27-31
作者姓名:刘芳  柯道平  孔德虎
摘    要:运用玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术,观察豚鼠(Cavia porcellus)离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is—EPSP)与蛙皮素(BOM)、P物质(SP)的关系,以探讨肽类神经递质在外周神经系统中的作用。结果显示,SP去极化、BOM去极化与Is—EPSP具有相关性;SP受体脱敏使SP敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响BOM引起的去极化;BOM受体脱敏使BOM敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响SP引起的去极化。大部分Is—EPSP阳性细胞对SP、BOM敏感,而对SP、BOM均不敏感的细胞多数不出现Is—EPSP。结果提示,BOM、SP通过IMG细胞膜上相应受体参与了Is-EPSP的形成,受体间无交互脱敏现象。

关 键 词:交感神经节  迟慢兴奋性突触后电位  蛙皮素  P物质

The Relationship between Non-cholinergic, Late Slow-excitatory Postsynaptic Potential and Bombesin or Substance P in Sympathetic Ganglia of Guinea-pig
Abstract:In order to investigate the relationship between late slow-Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential(ls-EPSP) and Bombesin(BOM) or Substance P(SP) in sympathetic ganglia, intracellular recording technique was used on isolated inferior mesenteric ganglion(IMG) cells of Guinea-pig. The results showed that the SP-induced depolarization and BOM-induced depolarization were related to ls-EPSP. SP receptor desensitization abolished or markedly attenuated ls-EPSP in SP-sensitive neurons, but had no effect on BOM-mediated depolarization. By contrast, BOM receptor desensitization abolished or markedly attenuated ls-EPSP in BOM-sensitive neurons, while it had no effect on SP-mediated depolarization. The results demonstrate that BOM and SP can produce ls-EPSP via respective receptor on the membrane of IMG synapses and there is no cross desensitization between receptors.
Keywords:Sympathetic ganglia  Late slow-excitatory postsynaptic potential  Bombesin  Substance P
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