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Mixing an enclosed, 1300m3 water column: effects on the planktonic food web
Authors:Sonntag, N.C.   Parsons, T.R.
Affiliation:Institute of Oceanography, The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5
Abstract:The nutrient, phytoplankton, and zooplankton dynamics in threeenclosed water columns (1300 m3) are described. Two of the enclosureswere mixed using a bubbling chamber at depth. Young chum salmon(Oncorhynchus keta) were added to one of the mixed enclosuresand the unmixed enclosure. No other manipulations were imposed.Copepods appeared in large numbers (e.g. especially Pseudocalanusminutus s.l. and Paracalanus parvus) and population growth rateswere estimated. Ctenophora did not appear in large numbers despitepresumably ideal food environments; it is suggested that inone enclosure this is a consequence of fish predation on thectenophores. The fish experienced high mortalities and low growthrates presumably due to unsuitable prey size. Weekly collectionsof sediment permitted isolation of two major sediment contributors,the first from phytoplankton sinking and the second from biogenkfallout associated with herbivore production. It was found thatthe more oligotrophic enclosure (unmixed) experienced proportionallyhigher utilization of organic carbon. Some of these resultsare explained by our data while others require more sophisticatedexperimentation, both in the design of the containers and inthe types of observations.
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