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Gas chromatography–electron-capture detection of urinary methylhippuric acid isomers as biomarkers of environmental exposure to xylene
Authors:Marina Buratti   Oronzo Pellegrino   Carla Valla   Silvia Fustinoni   Gabriella Brambilla  Antonio Colombi
Abstract:Methylhippuric acid isomers (MHAs), urinary metabolites of xylenes, were determined, after clean-up by C18-SPE and esterification with hexafluoroisopropanol and diisopropylcarbodiimide, by GC with ECD detection, on an SPB-35 capillary column (30 m, 0.32 mm I.D., 0.25 μm film thickness, β=320). S-benzyl-mercapturic acid was used for internal standardization. Chromatographic conditions were: oven temperature 162°C, for 14.2 min; ramp by 30°C/min to 190°C, for 3.5 min; ramp by 30°C/min to 250°C, for 4 min; helium flow rate: 1.7 ml/min; detector and injector temperature: 300°C. The sample (1 μl) was injected with a split injection technique (split ratio 5:1). MHA recovery was >95% in the 0.5–20 μmol/l range; the limit of detection was <0.25 μmol/l; day-to-day precision, at 2 μmol/l, was Cv<10%. Urinary MHAs were determined in subjects exposed to different low-level sources of xylenes: (a) tobacco smoking habit and (b) BTX urban air pollution (airborne xylene ranging from 0.1 to 3.7 μmol/m3). Study (a) showed a significant difference between urinary MHA median excretion values of nonsmokers and smokers (4.6 μmol/l vs. 8.1 μmol/l, p<0.001). Study (b) revealed a significant difference between indoor workers and outdoor workers (4.3 μmol/l vs. 6.9 μmol/l, p<0.001), and evidenced a relationship between MHAs (y, μmol/mmol creatinine) and airborne xylene (x, μmol/m3) (y=0.085+0.34x; r=0.82, p<0.001, n=56). Proposed biomarkers could represent reliable tools to study very low-level exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons such as those observed in the urban pollution due to vehicular traffic or in indoor air quality evaluation.
Keywords:Xylene   Methylhippuric acid
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