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α1‐adrenergic stimulation mediates Ca2+‐dependent inositol phosphate formation through the α1B‐like adrenoceptor subtype in adult rat cardiac myocytes
Authors:Stelios Seraskeris  Antigone Lazou
Abstract:We studied the effects of increased Ca2+ influx on α1‐adrenoceptor‐stimulated InsP formation in adult rat cardiac myocytes. We further examined if such effects could be mediated through a specific α1‐adrenoceptor subtype. [3H]InsP responses to adrenaline were dependent on extracellular Ca2+ concentration, from 0.1 μM to 2 mM, and were completely blocked by Ca2+ removal. However, in cardiac myocytes preloaded with BAPTA, a highly selective calcium chelating agent, Ca2+ concentrations higher than 1 μM had no effect on adrenaline‐stimulated [3H]InsP formation. Taken together these results suggest that [3H]InsP formation induced by α1‐adrenergic stimulation is in part mediated by increased Ca2+ influx. Consistent with this, ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, stimulated [3H]InsP formation. This response was additive with the response to adrenaline stimulation implying that different signaling mechanisms may be involved. In cardiac myocytes treated with the α1B‐adrenoceptor alkylating agent, CEC, [3H]InsP formation remained unaffected by increased Ca2+ concentrations, a pattern similar to that observed when intracellular Ca2+ was chelated with BAPTA. In contrast, addition of the α1A‐subtype antagonist, 5′‐methyl urapidil, did not affect the Ca2+ dependence of [3H]InsP formation. Neither nifedipine, a voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channel blocker nor the inorganic Ca2+ channel blockers, Ni2+ and Co2+, had any effect on adrenaline stimulated [3H]InsP, at concentrations that inhibit Ca2+ channels. The results suggest that in adult rat cardiac myocytes, in addition to G protein‐mediated response, α1‐adrenergic‐stimulated [3H]InsP formation is activated by increased Ca2+ influx mediated by the α1B‐subtype. J. Cell. Biochem. 84: 201–210, 2002. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Keywords:α  1‐adrenoceptors  inositol phosphates  cardiac myocytes  Ca2+
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