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Phases of Development to Flowering in Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferumL.) under Various Temperatures
Affiliation: USDA-ARS, Remote Sensing and Modeling Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, 20705, U.S.A.
Abstract:Development up to flowering in opium poppy (Papaver somniferumL.)has been divided into four phases from emergence to anthesiswhich mark changes in its sensitivity to photoperiod: a photoperiod-insensitivejuvenile phase (JP), a photoperiod-sensitive inductive phase(PSP), a photoperiod-sensitive post-inductive phase (PSPP) anda photoperiod-insensitive post-inductive phase (PIPP). To predictflowering time under field conditions, it is essential to knowhow these phases are affected by temperature. Plants were grownin artificially-lit growth chambers and received three differenttemperature treatments: 15/10, 20/15 and 25/20 °C in a 12h thermoperiod. Plants were transferred within each temperatureregime from a non-inductive 9 h to an inductive 16 h photoperiodorvice versaat 1–4 d intervals to determine the durationsof the four phases. Temperature did not affect the durationof the first two phases (i.e. JP lasted 3–4 d and PSPrequired 4–5 d). The most significant effect of temperaturewas on the duration of PSPP which was 28, 20 and 17 d at 15/10,20/15 and 25/20 °C, respectively. The temperature effecton PIPP was small (maximum difference of 3 d between treatments)and the data too variable to indicate a significant trend. Ourresults indicate that PSPP is the only phase that clearly exhibitssensitivity to temperature. Days to flower; opium poppy; Papaver somniferumL.; phases of flower development; photoperiod; temperature
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