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Life history and sex allocation in the simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrocha diadema: the role of sperm competition
Authors:Lorenzi M Cristina  Schleicherová Dása  Sella Gabriella
Affiliation:Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin Via Accademia Albertina 13, 10123 Turin, Italy
Abstract:Sex allocation theory predicts that, in hermaphroditic organisms,individuals allocate a fixed amount of resources divided amongmale and female functions to reproduction and that the proportiondevoted to each sex depends on the mating group size. As themating group size increases, hermaphrodites are predicted toallocate proportionally more resources to the male and lessresources to the female function (approaching equal allocationto both sexes) to face increased sperm competition. Up to nowlittle experimental evidence has been provided to support thetheory in hermaphroditic animals. Facultative shift betweenmale and female allocation in response to variation in localgroup size does occur in several taxa but not always in theexpected direction and not with similar patterns. In the protandricand then simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrochadiadema reproductive resources are flexibly allocated in theprotandrous and the hermaphroditic phase. The cost of male reproductionduring adolescence is spread over the whole energy budget ofthe animal as shown by the shortening of lifespan and the loweringof growth rate in individuals with enhanced male expenditureduring the protandrous phase. Moreover, in this species, shortterm sex allocation adjustments differ from those describedin other taxa. Individuals regulate their reproductive outputso that where reproductive competitors are present, the numberof female gametes is strongly reduced but the number of malegametes (although it changes) is not significantly increased.Resources subtracted from the female function are not directlyallocated to sperm production, but to expensive male behaviorsthat are likely to enhance male reproductive success. Theseresults are discussed in the light of the relevance of sexualselection in large populations of hermaphrodites.
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