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Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and the mature spermatozoon of Tetrabothrius erostris loennberg, 1896 (Cestoda, Tetrabothriidae)
Authors:Stoyanka R. Stoitsova    Boyko B. Georgiev   Raina B. Dacheva

a Department of Morphology of Microorganisms and Electron Microscopy, Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Boncehv Str., Bl. 26, 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria

b Institute of Ecology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Gagarin Str. 2, 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria

c Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev. Str., Bl. 25, 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract:The spermiogenesis of Tetrabothrius erostris is characterized by the following events: formation of a differentiation zone containing 2 basal bodies and a pair of rootlets; one of the basal bodies gives rise to a free flagellum, the other induces formation of a flagellar bud; rotation at 90° of the flagellum prior to its fusion with the middle cytoplasmic process of the differentiation zone and partial rotation of the flagellar bud; penetration of the nucleus between the rootlets and appearance of a spur-like protrusion in the differentiation zone; elongation and twisting of the differentiation zone, resulting in twisting of the peripheral microtubules and migration of the nucleus; formation of a crested body; proximal densification of the spermatozoon prior to its detachment from the spermatid rosette. The mature spermatozoon has a single axoneme of 9+“1” type and twisted peripheral microtubules. It consists of 3 portions: a proximal part with a crested body, a middle region rich in β-glycogen, and a distal part containing the nucleus. The pattern of spermiogenesis resembles most closely that in phyllobothriid tetraphyllideans, and probably reflects a relationship of the family Tetrabothriidae with this group.
Keywords:Author Keywords: Cestoda   spermatozoon   spermiogenesis   systematics   Tetrabothriidae   Tetrabothrius erostris   ultrastructure
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