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Authors:C. A. Landa    H. J. F. Maccioni   R. Caputto
Affiliation:Departamento de Química Biológica, Facultad de Cìencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba 5000, Argentina
Abstract:Abstract– In the retinas of 1-day-old chickens that received an intraocular injection of N-[3H]acetylmannosamine the labelling of N-acetylneuraminic acid and CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid increased for at least 8 h and that of gangliosides for at least 24 h after injection. In the optic tectum contralateral to the injected eye at 8 h after the intraocular injection, the labelling of gangliosides exceeded the labelling of gangliosides in the ipsilateral tectum by approx 20-fold. In the contralateral tectum the highest concentration of labelled gangliosides was in subfractions enriched in synaptosomes and synaptic plasma membranes. No significant contralateral ipsilateral differences were found in the acid soluble substances of the tectum. In the optic tectum, labelled gangliosides appeared earlier in the neuronal perikarya than in synaptosomes when the injection was intracranial. Conversely, when the injection was intraocular the labelling appeared earlier in the synaptosomes than in the neuronal perikarya. The radioactivity pattern of the optic tectum gangliosides resembled the pattern of retina gangliosides when N-[3H]acetylmannosamine was injected intraocularly, but when N-[3H]acetylmannosamine was given intracerebrally the radioactivity pattern resembled that of optic tectum gangliosides. Intraocular injection of colchicine or vinblastine did not affect the labelling of retinal gangliosides from N-[3H]acetylmannosamine injected into the same eye but prevented the appearance of labelled gangliosides in the optic tectum. In vitro the ganglioside glycosylating activity of optic tectum synaptosomes and synaptic plasma membranes was between 6 and 10-fold lower than that found in the optic tectum neuronal perikarya. These findings support the notion that the main subcellular site of synthesis of neuronal gangliosides is in the neuronal perikarya, from which they are translocated to the nerve endings.
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