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Modulation of Competition between Fruits and Leaves by Flower Pruning and Water Fogging, and Consequences on Tomato Leaf and Fruit Growth
Authors:Gautier, Helene   Guichard, Soraya   Tchamitchian, Marc
Affiliation:INRA, Département Environnement et Agronomie, Plante et Systèmes de culture Horticoles, Bât B, 84914, Avignon, Cedex 9, France
Abstract:The effects of water fogging and reducing plant fruit load werestudied in a tomato crop grown in a glasshouse under Mediterraneansummer conditions. The objective of these treatments was toreduce competition between leaves and fruits for carbohydratesand water. Flower pruning increased plant leaf area and increasedfruit, stem, lamina and petiole dry mass (DM). This indicatesthat leaf area growth was limited during the summer due to competitionbetween fruits and leaves for assimilates. In contrast, reducingthe air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) by water fogging had noeffect on plant leaf area or aerial plant DM. Interestingly,there was a significant interaction between plant fruit loadand VPD: the higher the leaf[ratio]fruit ratio the greater theresponses to a reduction in VPD (increase in fruit DM, fruitdiameter, fruit and leaf expansion rate). The data suggest thatunder high fruit loads, water and carbohydrates limit growthunder Mediterranean summer conditions. However, reducing VPDwas not always sufficient to enhance fruit and leaf growth.This might be due to the lower leaf area under high fruit load.In contrast, reducing VPD under low fruit load triggered higherrates of leaf and fruit expansion; this is probably linked toa greater availability of water and carbohydrates. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Assimilate competition, assimilate supply, flower pruning, fruit load, fruit growth, generative/vegetative growth, leaf growth, Lycopersicon esculentum, specific leaf weight, tomato, vapour pressure deficit, water stress
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