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Transposition of a DNA fragment flanked by two inverted Tn1 sequences
Authors:A.P. Dobritsa  Svetlana V. Dobritsa  E.I. Popov  Viya B. Fedoseeva
Affiliation:Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, USSR Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142292 U.S.S.R.
Abstract:The 32 Md fragment (derived from plasmid RP4::Tn1) carrying the Kmr gene and flanked by two inverted Tn1 elements is capable of recA-independent translocation to other plasmids. We designated this new transposon Tn1755. In various crosses, frequencies of Tn1755 transposition to plasmids Co1B-R3, R15 and F′ColVBtrp varied from 2.5 to 90% of the frequencies of Tn1 transposition. Tn1755 can integrate into various sites of the recipient plasmids. We failed to observe transposition of another RP4::Tn1 fragment flanked by two opposingly oriented Tn1 transposons and harboring the Tcr gene. Presumably, to form a new transposable structure, other features must also be of importance.
Keywords:Transposon  restriction and homoduplex analyses  plasmid RP4  Ap  ampicillin  bp  base pairs  kb  kilobase  Km  kanamycin  Md  megadaltons  Tc  tetracycline  []  brackets indicate plasmid carrier state
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