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The distribution of radioactivity in rats given [3H]bishydroxymethyl-1-methylpyrrole and its relationship to that from [3H]synthanecine a bis-N-ethylcarbamate
Authors:I.N.H. White  A.R. Mattocks
Affiliation:MRC Toxicology Unit, Medical Research Council Laboratories, Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton, Surrey Great Britain
Abstract:The distribution of radioactivity was measured in rats various times after single intravenous doses of tritium-labelled 2,3-bis-hydroxymethyl-1-methylpyrrole (BHMP). Over half the dose was excreted in urine during the first day; less than a seventh this amount was found in the faeces. The level in glandular stomach was much higher than in any other organ and there was evidence that this was related to the acidity of this tissue. With this exception, the radioactivity in other tissues was lower than after an equivalent dose of tritiated synthanecine A bis-N-ethylcarbamate, and that in liver tissue was more easily solubilised than after the latter compound. The results indicate it is unlikely that more than a small amount of free BHMP is released into the bloodstreams of rats given synthanecine A bis-N-ethylcarbamate.When [3H]BHMP is given by stomach tube much radioactivity remains within the gut and there is no exceptional binding to glandular stomach tissue. Whereas the tissue binding as well as chemical and toxicological properties of BHMP are similar to those of dehydroretronecine, the binding properties of synthanecine A bis-N-ethylcarbamate are likely to resemble those of monocrotaline and similar pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
Keywords:BHMP  2,3-bishydroxymethyl-1-methylpyrrole
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