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High-resolution FISH on super-stretched flow-sorted plant chromosomes
Authors:Valárik M  Bartos J  Kovárová P  Kubaláková M  de Jong J H  Dolezel J
Affiliation:Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry, Institute of Experimental Botany, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Abstract:A novel high-resolution fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) strategy, using super-stretched flow-sorted plant chromosomes as targets, is described. The technique that allows longitudinal extension of chromosomes of more than 100 times their original metaphase size is especially attractive for plant species with large chromosomes, whose pachytene chromosomes are generally too long and heterochromatin patterns too complex for FISH analysis. The protocol involves flow cytometric sorting of metaphase chromosomes, mild proteinase-K digestion of air-dried chromosomes on microscopic slides, followed by stretching with ethanol:acetic acid (3 : 1). Stretching ratios were assessed in a number of FISH experiments with super-stretched chromosomes from barley, wheat, rye and chickpea, hybridised with 45S and 5S ribosomal DNAs and the [GAA]n microsatellite, the [TTTAGGG]n telomeric repeat and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone as probes. FISH signals on stretched chromosomes were brighter than those on the untreated control, resulting from better accessibility of the stretched chromatin and maximum observed sensitivity of 1 kbp. Spatial resolution of neighbouring loci was improved down to 70 kbp as compared to 5-10 Mbp after FISH on mitotic chromosomes, revealing details of adjacent DNA sequences hitherto not obtained with any other method. Stretched chromosomes are advantageous over extended DNA fibres from interphase nuclei as targets for FISH studies because they still retain chromosomal integrity. Although the method is confined to species for which chromosome flow sorting has been developed, it provides a unique system for controlling stretching degree of mitotic chromosomes and high-resolution bar-code FISH.
Keywords:chromosome structure    chromosome stretching    fluorescence in situ hybridisation    chromosome sorting    repetitive DNA sequences    BAC–FISH
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