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Influence of age on reproductive performance in the Seychelles warbler
Authors:Komdeur   Jan
Affiliation:Zoological Laboratory, University of Groningen P.O. Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Wildlife Ecology, Kalö Grenåvej 12, DK-8410 R"o"nde, Denmark
Abstract:I studied age-related breeding performance of the cooperativelybreeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) on CousinIsland, Seychelles, during 14 years. The annual number of youngthat fledged is significantly related to territory quality andnumber of helpers in the breeding group. Accounting for thesefactors and for the partner's breeding experience, annual productionof fledglings by breeding birds increases from 2 to 5 yearsand decreases beyond 5 years of age. Age-related changes inreproductive success within breeding individuals, paired withthe same experienced partner and occupying the same breedingterritory with similar amount of food from 2 to 8 years of age,show that Seychelles warblers have higher hatching success andproduce more hatchlings and fledglings as they become older.This is probably not a response to decreasing residual reproductivevalue caused by decreasing life expectancy as they become older.Primiparous warblers produce the same number of fledglings asmultiparous warblers of the same age, have a similar life expectancyas multiparous warblers, and occupy territories with similaramounts of resources available for reproduction. As all warblershave similar access to food before reproduction and similarforaging efficiency, the low reproductive success in youngerwarblers cannot be ascribed to differences in environment butto the bird's ability to breed successfully (e.g., a resultof previous helping and/or breeding experience). Effects ofsenescence on reproduction begin to occur from age 6 for bothsexes. From that age, eggs have lower hatching success, butfledging success remains the same. Birds that start breedingat a young age on a given quality territory produce more fledglingsin their lifetime than birds that delay breeding. Many old birdsnever fledge young of their own. They have not been able tobreed because of a shortage of breeding territory vacancies.[BehavEcol 7: 417–425 (1996)]
Keywords:age   cooperative breeding   reproductive success   senescence   Seychelles warbler.
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