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Behavioral responses of peripubertal female mice towards puberty-accelerating and puberty-delaying chemical signals
Authors:Coppola, David M.   O'Connell, Robert J.
Abstract:We examined the behavioral responses of peripubertal femalemice to puberty-accelerating urine from male mice and to puberty-delayingurine from females living in groups. Marked attraction was showntowards both chemical signals when they were tested individually.These attraction levels were of comparable size for both urinesources and were little influenced by the age of the subjectsand their hormonal or nutritional status. When both chemicalsignals were presented, grouped-female urine was preferred tomale urine by prepubertal, food-deprived postpubertal and ovanectorruzedfemales. Free-feeding, postpubertal and ovariectomizcd femalesreceiving estrogen replacement failed to show significant preferencesbut did spend more time investigating male chemical signalson average. The effect of prior housing condition (with motherand littermates or isolated) on the subjects' attraction toand preference for these accelerating and delaying chemicalsignals was not pronounced. The magnitude of attraction to maleurine was significantly larger in isolated females comparedto females remaining with their litters. However, the attractionto groupedfemale urine and the preference for it over male urinewere not significantly influenced by housing condition. Whendirect contact with male and grouped-female chemical signalswas prevented, significant attraction and preference were nolonger evident, suggesting that urinary components with lowvolatility may mediate ‘attraction’. These resultsare discussed in terms of the ecology and physiology of thepheromone cueing system of the mouse.
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