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Plant biodiversity in a larch plantation from the view point of photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in northeast China
Authors:Wen-Jie Wang  Hui-Mei Wang  Yuan-Gang Zu
Affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology, Northeast Forestry University, 150040 Harbin, People’s Republic of China
Abstract:Forest floor of larch species often provides growth habitat for many kinds of understory species because of relatively sparse structure in a larch canopy. A rich flora of forest understory species may play an essential role in maintaining fertility of a larch stand. An attempt was made to evaluate photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) of many understory and overstory species according to their Raunkiaer lifeform. By studying 72 perennial deciduous species in a larch plantation in northeast China, marked photosynthetic differences between phanerophytes (Ph) and other three lifeforms of chamaephytes (Ch), hemicryptophytes (He), and cryptophytes (Cr) were found, with marginal differences found among Ch, He, and Cr. Ph species had much lower PNUE, and much lower values of rate of nitrogen allocation to chlorophyll (Chl./N) and nitrogen allocation to carboxylation processes (V cmax/N) were concurrently observed in Ph compared with the other three lifeforms. Ph had much lower leaf nitrogen per unit of projection area (N area) and specific leaf area (SLA, cm2 g–1). At lower SLA, for Ph species the change of PNUE with SLA was small, but these changes became very large at higher SLA for Ch, He, and Cr species. Our findings indicate that leaf morphological change is important for clarifying photosynthesis differences among species with different lifeform.
Keywords:Raunkiaer lifeform  Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency  Plant biodiversity  SLA  Larch plantation
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