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Mate preference for multiple cues: interplay between male and nest size in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus
Authors:Lehtonen, Topi K.   Rintakoski, Simo   Lindstrom, Kai
Affiliation:Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, PO Box 65, FI–00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:Female mating preferences are often based on more than one cue.In empirical studies, however, different mate choice cues aretypically treated separately ignoring their possible interactions.In the current work, we studied how male body size and sizeof the male's nest jointly affect mate preferences of femalesand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus. The females were givena binary choice between males that differed either in body sizeor size of their nest or both. We found that neither body sizenor size of the nest alone affected male attractiveness, buttogether these 2 cues had a significant effect. Specifically,large males were more popular among females when they had alarge nest than when they occupied a small nest. The resultssuggest that if interaction effects between multiple mate choicecues are not considered, there is a danger of ignoring or underestimatingthe importance of these cues in sexual selection by female choice.
Keywords:mate choice   multiple cues   nest size   Pomatoschistus minutus   sexual selection.
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