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Evolutionary classification: A case study on the diverse plant genus Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae)
Authors:Elvira Hörandl  Khatere Emadzade
Affiliation:1. Department of Systematic Botany, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Göttingen, 37073 Göttingen, Germany;2. Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Abstract:Evolutionary classification attempts to integrate information on shared ancestry, evolutionary process and phenetic information into the taxonomic concept. Here we exemplify this concept on the monophyletic, species-rich and cosmopolitan plant genus Ranunculus. Previous classifications have rendered almost all traditional sections as polyphyletic, and a modern revision based on phylogenetic principles was so far lacking. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analysis of a combined nuclear (ITS of nrDNA) and plastid DNA dataset (matK/trnK, and psbJpetA) provided a phylogenetic framework for the genus with nine well-supported subclades. Neighbor Net analysis revealed a reticulate data structure within two subclades with frequent polyploidy and/or hybridization. Character evolution was studied by McClade reconstructions of morphological data mapped on to the molecular tree topology. Morphological characters show a mosaic-like distribution, but express several shared states congruent to molecular clades. A total evidence approach (TE) based on the combined morphological and molecular dataset suggests a subdivision of Ranunculus into a paraphyletic, temperate to arctic group of five subclades (subg. Auricomus), and a temperate to subtropical clade with four subclades (subg. Ranunculus). Infrageneric classification of two subgenera and 17 sections is based on both monophyly s.l. as evident from TE and a minimum of shared morphological characters. Six subclades have shared morphological or karyological features (sects. Auricomus, Flammula, Oreophili, Polyanthemos, Ranunculus, Thora, and Trisecti). One subclade was subdivided into three smaller clades according to morphological data (sects. Epirotes, Leucoranunculus, Ranuncella, Aconitifolii). In the case of reticulate evolution and uncertain ancestry we accept well-supported genetic clusters with shared morphological features, as revealed by Neighbor Net analysis (sections Batrachium, Hecatonia, Pseudadonis). Character evolution connected to ecological shifts characterizes the paraphyletic section Ranunculastrum, the holophyletic section Euromontani (sect. nov.), and the monotypic sect. Echinella. The information content of our classification is compared to alternative concepts.
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