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Proteomic analysis of pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs) induced by compatible and incompatible interactions of pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) in Capsicum chinense L3 plants
Authors:Elvira Maria Isabel  Galdeano Myriam Molina  Gilardi Patricia  García-Luque Isabel  Serra Maria Teresa
Affiliation:Plant Biology Department, CIB. CSIC. C/ Ramiro de Maeztu No. 9, E-28040 Madrid, Spain.
Abstract:Resistance conferred by the L3 gene is active against most ofthe tobamoviruses, including the Spanish strain (PMMoV-S), aP1,2 pathotype, but not against certain strains of pepper mildmottle virus (PMMoV), termed P1,2,3 pathotype, such as the Italianstrain (PMMoV-I). Both viruses are nearly identical at theirnucleotide sequence level (98%) and were used to challenge Capsicumchinense PI159236 plants harbouring the L3 gene in order tocarry out a comparative proteomic analysis of PR proteins inducedin this host in response to infection by either PMMoV-S or PMMoV-I.PMMoV-S induces a hypersensitive reaction (HR) in C. chinensePI159236 plant leaves with the formation of necrotic local lesionsand restriction of the virus at the primary infection sites.In this paper, C. chinense PR protein isoforms belonging tothe PR-1, β-1,3-glucanases (PR-2), chitinases (PR-3), osmotin-likeprotein (PR-5), peroxidases (PR-9), germin-like protein (PR-16),and PRp27 (PR-17) have been identified. Three of these PR proteinisoforms were specifically induced during PMMoV-S-activationof C. chinense L3 gene-mediated resistance: an acidic β-1,3-glucanaseisoform (PR-2) (Mr 44.6; pI 5.1), an osmotin-like protein (PR-5)(Mr 26.8; pI 7.5), and a basic PR-1 protein isoform (Mr 18;pI 9.4–10.0). In addition, evidence is presented for adifferential accumulation of C. chinense PR proteins and mRNAsin the compatible (PMMoV-I)–C. chinense and incompatible(PMMoV-S)–C. chinense interactions for proteins belongingto all PR proteins detected. Except for an acidic chitinase(PR-3) (Mr 30.2; pI 5.0), an earlier and higher accumulationof PR proteins and mRNAs was detected in plants associated withHR induction. Furthermore, the accumulation rates of PR proteinsand mRNA did not correlate with maximal accumulation levelsof viral RNA, thus indicating that PR protein expression mayreflect the physiological status of the plant. Key words: Capsicum chinense, compatible interaction, incompatible interaction, HR-induction, PMMoV, PR proteinsReceived 5 December 2007; Revised 21 January 2008 Accepted 22 January 2008
Keywords:Capsicum chinense   compatible interaction   incompatible interaction   HR-induction   PMMoV   PR proteins
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