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Effect of antibiotics on biogenesis of mitochondria during aging of sliced sweet potato root tissue
Affiliation:Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan
Abstract:The number of mitochondrial particles, and the activities ofperoxidase and cytochrome oxidase increased during aging ofsliced sweet potato root tissue. Blasticidin S inhibited allthese processes, indicating the occurrence of de now synthesisof protein. Chloramphenicol suppressed the synthesis of cytochromeoxidase and the reproduction of mitochondria but did not suppressperoxidase synthesis. Cylcoheximide suppressed peroxidase synthesisleaving the activities of cytochrome oxidase synthesis and mitochondrialreproduction unimpaired. A differentiation of ribosomal andmitochondrial protein syntheses is suggested. Mitomycin G and5-iododeoxyuridine inhibited the reproduction of mitochondriabut not the synthesis of enzymes. 1This paper constitutes Part 76 of the Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot. (Received January 4, 1969; )
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