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The effect of progressive hypoxia on respiration in the dogfish (scyliorhinus canicula) at different seasonal temperatures.
Authors:P J Butler  E W Taylor
Abstract:1. Dogfish were acclimated to 7, 12 or 17 degrees C and exposed to progressive hypoxia at the temperature to which they had been acclimated. During normoxia, the Q10 values for oxygen uptake, heart rate, cardiac output and respiratory frequency over the full 10 degrees C range were: 2.1, 2.1, 2.1 and 2.5 respectively. Increased acclimation temperature had no effect on cardiac stroke volume or systemic vascular resistance, although there was a decrease in branchial vascular resistance, pHa and pHv. 2. Progressive hypoxia had no effect on heart rate or oxygen uptake at 7 degrees C, whereas at 12 degrees C and 17 degrees C there was bradycardia, and a reduction in O2 uptake, with the critical oxygen tension for both variables being higher at the higher temperature. Cardiac stroke volume increased during hypoxia at each temperature, such that cardiac output did not change significantly at 12 and 17 degrees C. Neither pHa nor pHv changed significantly during hypoxia at any of the three temperatures. 3. The influence of acclimation temperatures on experimental results from poikilotherms is pointed out. Previously-published results show quantitative differences. 4. The significance of the present results with respect to the functioning and location of oxygen receptors is discussed. It is argued that as the metabolic demand and critical oxygen tension of the whole animal are increased at high acclimation temperatures the same must be the case with the oxygen receptor. This would raise the stimulation threshold and could account for the bradycardia seen during hypoxia becoming manifest at higher values of PI,O2, Pa,O2 and Pv,O2 as the acclimation temperature is raised.
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