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Reciprocal Ammonium Transport Into and Out of Plant Roots: Modifications by Plant Nitrogen Status and Elevated Root Ammonium Concentration
Authors:MORGAN, M. A   JACKSON, W A.
Abstract:Wheat and oat were grown for 20 d on a nitrate-containing solution(nitrogen-replete plants) or for the last 6 d of this periodon a nitrate-free solution (nitrogen-depleted plants). Exposureof the nitrogen-depleted plants on day 20 to nitrate-free solutionscontaining 500 mmol m–3 ammonium (96 A% 15N) resultedin a cumulative net influx of 15N-ammonium over an 8 h periodthat was appreciably greater than that of the nitrogen-repleteplants. Both the initial rate and the more restricted rate afterthe first hour were enhanced by nitrogen deprivation. In thenitrogen-replete plants, cumulative net efflux of endogenous14N-ammonium was approximately equivalent to net ammonium uptakeduring the first hour, and was essentially complete after 1–2h. Pretreating nitrogen-depleted plants for 5 h in 500 mmolm–3 15N-ammonium (99 A% 15N) resulted in root ammoniumconcentrations of 12.7?1.1 and 16.0?0.4 µmol for wheat and oat, respectively. Subsequent net efflux of 15N-ammoniumto 500 mmol m–3 exogenous 14N-ammonium exceeded theseinitial amounts within 2 h. Increasing ambient 14N-ammoniumto 5000 mmol m–3 increased net 15N-ammonium efflux suchthat net loss of the maximal original amount in the root tissuewas exceeded within 0.75 h. The data for both species indicatesubstantial reciprocal transfers of ammonium into and out ofroots of ammonium-treated plants and a significant degradationof recently synthesized products of ammonium assimilation concurrentwith ammonium assimilation. Key words: Accumulation, ammonium, efflux, oat, root, uptake, wheat
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