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Rapid Affinity Immunochromatography Column-Based Tests for Sensitive Detection of Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxins and Escherichia coli O157
Authors:Jason Brunt  Martin D. Webb  Michael W. Peck
Affiliation:Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UA, United Kingdom
Abstract:Existing methods for detection of food-borne pathogens and their toxins are frequently time-consuming, require specialized equipment, and involve lengthy culture procedures and/or animal testing and are thus unsuitable for a rapid response to an emergency public health situation. A series of simple and rapid affinity immunochromatography column (AICC) assays were developed to detect Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin types A, B, E, and F and Escherichia coli O157 in food matrices. Specifically, for milk, grape juice with peach juice, and bottled water, the detection limit for the botulinum neurotoxin type A complex was 0.5 ng. Use of this method with a 10-ml sample would therefore result in a detection limit of 50 pg ml−l. Thus, this assay is approximately 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than a comparable lateral-flow assay. For botulinum neurotoxin complex types B, E, and F, the minimum detection limit was 5 ng to 50 ng. Sensitive detection of E. coli O157 was achieved, and the detection limit was 500 cells. The AICC test was also shown to be specific, rapid, and user friendly. This test takes only 15 to 30 min to complete without any specialized equipment and thus is suitable for use in the field. It has the potential to replace existing methods for presumptive detection of botulinum neurotoxin types A, B, E, and F and E. coli O157 in contaminated matrices without a requirement for preenrichment.The majority of conventional methods used for detection and identification of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and/or their toxins lack the speed and sensitivity necessary for use in the field (they typically are not completed in a single day) and also require specialized equipment (20). Rapid methods, including antibody-based and nucleic acid-based assays, have revolutionized the methodology for detection of microbial pathogens and their toxins in foods (16). However, while most antibody-based and nucleic acid-based assays are rapid, specialized equipment is often required, and specific enrichment is needed to achieve the necessary sensitivity. This means that the analysis time can still be several days (16). Lateral-flow assays (LFAs) and column flow assays are tests that have considerable merit in terms of rapidity and ease of use in the field without specialized equipment (4, 5, 8, 19, 34).Two contrasting agents were used as detection targets in this study: (i) a potent microbial toxin (Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin), including type A, B, E, and F neurotoxins; and (ii) an infectious pathogen, Escherichia coli O157. These two targets present different problems for detection; the first target is a protein toxin, and the second target is intact bacterial cells. The botulinum neurotoxin is the most potent toxin known, and as little as 30 to 100 ng has the potential to be fatal to humans (28). It is responsible for botulism, a severe neuroparalytic disease that affects humans and also animals and birds (28). There are seven antigenically distinct botulinum neurotoxins (types A to G), and a number of subtypes have also been described (9, 11, 15, 28, 36). Botulism in humans is associated principally with neurotoxin types A, B, E, and F (27, 29). Since the botulinum neurotoxins are the toxic agents and they can be produced by six physiologically distinct clostridia (28), considerable emphasis has been placed on detection of the neurotoxins rather than the bacteria. The “gold standard” method for detecting botulinum neurotoxins is the mouse bioassay due to its high levels of sensitivity and specificity. However, this technique is also problematic (33). It typically requires 24 to 48 h to yield results, is expensive, and is becoming less favored because of its use of animals (4). The alternative tests include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), lateral-flow assays (LFAs), a chemiluminescent slot blot immunoassay, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), the assay with a large immunosorbent surface area (ALISSA) test, and quantum dot immunoassays (4, 5, 7, 22, 43, 46). Lateral-flow assays are available and are convenient for toxin testing as they are easy to perform and rapid (<30 min) and no additional equipment is required. However, their poor sensitivity has limited their use (23).E. coli O157 produces a cytotoxin (verotoxin), and an E. coli O157 infection can lead to severe bloody diarrhea, kidney failure, brain damage, and death. Enumeration, identification, and control of this pathogen are challenging due to the low infectious dose necessary to cause disease, which is between 2 and 2,000 ingested cells (41). Sources of E. coli O157 infection include ground beef and unpasteurized milk and apple juice (1), raw milk (6), and spinach and lettuce (42). Isolation of E. coli O157:H7 from water, food, and environmental samples is laborious. Culture is difficult due to the large competing microflora that either overgrows or mimics the non-sorbitol-fermenting organism E. coli O157:H7 (12). According to Tokarskyy and Marshall (41), the largest group of rapid test kits commercially available for testing for the presence of E. coli O157 in food includes immunological methods, such as latex agglutination, reverse passive latex agglutination, immunodiffusion, ELISA, immunomagnetic separation (IMS), and immunoprecipitation. The other methods that have been developed include a dipstick test device (2), a lateral-flow immunoassay (8), real-time PCR (39), and an enzyme-linked immunomagnetic chemiluminescent assay (17). However, in many cases these tests require preenrichment or have limited sensitivity.The objective of the work described here was to develop a rapid sensitive diagnostic test for detection of botulinum neurotoxins A, B, E, and F and E. coli O157 that can be used without preenrichment.
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