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Biotic diachroneity during the Ordovician Radiation: evidence from South China
Authors:Renbin Zhan  David A. T. Harper
Affiliation:Renbin Zhan, State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China, [];David A. T. Harper, Geological Museum, Øster Voldgade 57, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark, []
Abstract:The Ordovician radiation was one of the most marked and sustained increases in Phanerozoic biodiversification; nevertheless it occurred against a background of minimal global climatic and environmental perturbations. Detailed investigations of the Ordovician successions on the Yangtze Platform of the South China palaeoplate indicate that: (1) the brachiopod α- and β-diversity changes are diachronous; (2) macroevolutionary patterns were different across the South China palaeoplate, with the Early Ordovician brachiopod radiation first occurring in normal marine, shallow-water environments and then moving gradually to both nearer-shore and offshore locations; (3) the main contributors to the initial Ordovician brachiopod radiation were the Orthida and Pentamerida; the typical Ordovician brachiopod fauna, dominated by the Orthida and Strophomenida, did not appear until the late Mid Ordovician (Undulograptus austrodentatus Biozone) when the Strophomenida apparently replaced the dominant position of the Pentamerida within the fauna; (4) different ecotypes (e.g., sessile benthos, mobile benthos together with pelagic and planktonic organisms) demonstrate substantially different macroevolutionary patterns. The Ordovician brachiopod radiation of South China was apparently earlier than that suggested by global trends together with the data available from other palaeoplates or terranes, which may be related to its unique palaeogeographic position (peri-Gondwanan terrane gradually moving to equatorial latitudes).
Keywords:Brachiopods    diachroneity    α-diversity    β-diversity    Ordovician radiation    South China
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