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The carbohydrate-binding module (CBM)-like sequence is crucial for rice CWA1/BC1 function in proper assembly of secondary cell wall materials
Authors:Kanna Sato  Sachiko Ito  Takeo Fujii  Ryu Suzuki  Sachi Takenouchi  Satoshi Nakaba  Ryo Funada  Yuzou Sano  Shinya Kajita  Hidemi Kitano  Yoshihiro Katayama
Affiliation:1.Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; Koganei; Kanagawa Japan;2.Graduate School of Agriculture; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; Fuchu; Kanagawa Japan;3.Graduate School of Agriculture; Hokkaido University; Sapporo; Kanagawa Japan;4.Bioscience and Biotechnology Center; Nagoya University; Nagoya; Kanagawa Japan;5.College of Bioresource Sciences; Nihon University; Fujisawa, Kanagawa Japan
Abstract:We recently reported that the cwa1 mutation disturbed the deposition and assembly of secondary cell wall materials in the cortical fiber of rice internodes. Genetic analysis revealed that cwa1 is allelic to bc1, which encodes glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored COBRA-like protein with the highest homology to Arabidopsis COBRA-like 4 (COBL4) and maize Brittle Stalk 2 (Bk2). Our results suggested that CWA1/BC1 plays a role in assembling secondary cell wall materials at appropriate sites, enabling synthesis of highly ordered secondary cell wall structure with solid and flexible internodes in rice. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of CWA1/BC1, as well as its orthologs (COBL4, Bk2) and other BC1-like proteins in rice, shows weak similarity to a family II carbohydrate-binding module (CBM2) of several bacterial cellulases. To investigate the importance of the CBM-like sequence of CWA1/BC1 in the assembly of secondary cell wall materials, Trp residues in the CBM-like sequence, which is important for carbohydrate binding, were substituted for Val residues and introduced into the cwa1 mutant. CWA1/BC1 with the mutated sequence did not complement the abnormal secondary cell walls seen in the cwa1 mutant, indicating that the CBM-like sequence is essential for the proper function of CWA1/BC1, including assembly of secondary cell wall materials.Key words: carbohydrate-binding module, COBRA-LIKE, CWA1/BC1, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, secondary cell wall formationThe main function of carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) of microbes and plants is to attach the enzyme to a variety of cell surface glycans and thereby increase the local concentration of substrate, leading to more efficient catalysis.14 Almost all CBMs studied to date contain surface-exposed aromatic rings, which have been shown to be the main sites of interaction with polysaccharides. These residues form face-to-face hydrophobic stacking interactions in which a Trp residue or ring of a Tyr residue interacts with the non-polar face of a sugar ring.59 CBMs have been classified into families based on amino acid sequence similarity. Currently, there are 59 defined families of CBMs and these CBMs display substantial variation in ligand specificity (http://www.cazy.org/Carbohydrate-Binding-Modules.html). Among these CBM families, the large family of CBM2 has been further classified into two subgroups, CBM2a and 2b, which have shown to bind cellulose and xylan, respectively.1012 CBM2a characteristically possess three exposed Trp residues,13 whereas CBM2b have two Trp residues,14 which are conserved among the CBM2 members (Fig. 1A).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Sequence alignment of the CBM-like sequence of CWA1/BC1, the BC1L proteins and bacterial CBM2 members. (A) Sequence alignment between bacterial CBM2a, 2b and CWA1/BC1. The three surface-exposed Trp residues of CBM2a members are indicated by asterisks and W. The CBM sequences of CBM2a are: CfiCenA, Cellulomonas fimi endo-1,4-glucanase; CfiCex, C. fimi exo-beta-1,4-glucanase. Those of CBM2b are: CfiXylD1, C. fimi endo-1,4-beta-xylanase D; CfiXylD2, C. fimi endo-1,4-beta-xylanase. CWA1/BC1 shows weak similarity to CBM2, and some Trp residues are conserved with bacterial CBM2 members. (B) Sequence alignment of CWA1/BC1, the BC1L proteins and CWA1/BC1 orthologs, Zea maiz Brittle Stalk 2 (ZmBk2) and Arabidopsis thaliana COBRA-LIKE 4 (AtCOBL4). The CBM-like sequence of CWA1/BC1, especially the Trp residues, is highly conserved among the analyzed sequences. Substituted Trp (W) residues to Val (V) in CWA1/BC1 are indicated by closed triangles. Numbers at the left are the positions of the amino acids in each protein, with gaps (dashes) included to maximize alignments. Identical and similar amino acids are shaded and gray, respectively.Our recent study showed that the defect of the rice CWA1/BC1 (CELL WALL ARCHITECTURE 1/BRITTLE CULM 1) gene induced abnormal secondary cell wall formation with amorphous and bulky structures at the cytoplasm side and CWA1/BC1 encodes one of COBRA-like glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, which are specifically found in plants, suggesting that CWA1/BC1 regulates assembly of secondary cell wall materials in rice sclerenchyma. Furthermore, several reports have shown that the N-terminus of rice CWA1/BC1 and other COBRA-like GPI-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis (12 members) and maize Brittle Stalk 2 (Bk2) share weak similarity to a CBM2 in several bacterial cellulases.15,16 However, the importance of CBM-like sequence in COBRA family members has not been clarified. To investigate the nature of CWA1/BC1, we compared the CBM-like sequence in rice CWA1/BC1 with bacterial CBM2, 10 members of the BC1-like (BC1L) protein in rice and CWA1/BC1 orthologs, Arabidopsis COBL4 and maize Bk2. Furthermore, we constructed three-point mutated CWA1/BC1, in which three conserved Trp residues in CBM-like sequence were substituted for Val residues (CWA1/BC1W→V), and introduced it into the cwa1 mutant to evaluate the necessity of the CBM-like sequence for proper function of CWA1/BC1. We discuss a putative explanation, based on our results, of the properties and possible functions of CWA1/BC1.
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