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Recovery of free ADP, Pi, and free energy of ATP hydrolysis in human skeletal muscle
Authors:Wackerhage, Henning   Hoffmann, Uwe   Essfeld, Dieter   Leyk, Dieter   Mueller, Klaus   Zange, Jochen
Abstract:We measuredsignificant undershoots of the concentrations of free ADP([ADP]) and Pi([Pi]) and the freeenergy of ATP hydrolysis (Delta GATP) belowinitial resting levels during recovery from severe ischemic exercisewith 31P-nuclear magneticresonance spectroscopy in 11 healthy sports students. Undershoots ofthe rate of oxidative phosphorylation would be predicted if the rate ofoxidative phosphorylation would depend solely on free[ADP],[Pi], orDelta GATP. However,undershoots of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation have not beenreported in the literature. Furthermore, undershoots of the rate ofoxidative phosphorylation are unlikely because there is evidence that a balance between ATP production and consumption cannot be achieved if anundershoot of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation actually occurs.Therefore, oxidative phosphorylation seems to depend not only on free[ADP],[Pi], orDelta GATP. Anexplanation is that acidosis-related or other factors control oxidativephosphorylation additionally, at least under some conditions.

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