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Murine “housekeeping” enzyme (genetic locus:Idh-1) is regulated in an allele-specific manner
Authors:G. D. Zitnik  G. M. Martin
Abstract:The murine “housekeeping” enzyme, cytosolic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (E.C. (genetic locus:Idh-1), exhibited a complex pattern of allele-specific expression. Protein electrophoresis on cellulose-acetate gels and determination of relative enzymatic activity by means of densitometry revealed that in heart tissue (but not liver tissue) of certain hybrid crosses the AA-homodimer was underrepresented relative to total enzymatic activity, and the degree of underrepresentation changed during development. In mixtures of homozygous tissue extracts of heart tissue (but not liver tissue) the AA-homodimer was underrepresented relative to the BB-homodimer. Relative activity of allelic isozymes varied as a function of tissue (heart versus liver), age, and the parental source of the Idh-1a allele, but did not vary as a function of sex. Allele-specific expression was also exhibited in kidney tissue of the same animals. In adult male kidney tissue extracts from heterozygotes, the AA-hornodimer was underrepresented relative to total enzymatic activity; in adult female kidney tissue extracts from heterozygotes, a more codominant phenotype was observed. Tissue extracts from immature hybrid animals exhibited a phenotype midway between the adult male and adult female phenotypes. Tissue extracts from castrated males exhibited a phenotype equivalent to that seen in females. Relative activity of allelic isozymes in kidney varied as a function of age and sex, but did not vary as a function of the parental source of the Idh-1a allele. While cytosolic NADP-IDH is a “housekeeping” enzyme, expressed in multiple tissues of the mouse, differences in the relative intensities of allelic isozyme bands provide evidence for tissue- and stage-specific regulatory variation.
Keywords:mouse  NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase  electrophoresis  gene regulation  allele-specific expression  heart  kidney
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