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Resource-dependent nuptial feeding in Panorpa vulgaris: an honest signal for male quality
Authors:Engels, S.   Sauer, K. P.
Affiliation:Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, An der Immenburg 1, 53121 Bonn, Germany
Abstract:In mating systems that are characterized by resource-dependentmale behavior like nuptial feeding, food limitation obviouslyplays a major role in male performance. In Panorpa vulgaris(Mecoptera: Panorpidae), the ability to produce nuptial giftshas major fitness consequences as the number of gifts determinescopulation duration, which then determines the number of eggsfertilized by a given male. In the present study, we are ableto show that males of P. vulgaris were limited in their productionof salivary secretions. The number of saliva secretions maleswere able to produce declined in successive matings. Moreover,males of nutritionally high status produced more gifts thanthose of nutritionally low status. The proximate factor determiningmale saliva secretion was the development of the salivary gland,which in turn depended on the amount of food a male could access.The degree of male mating effort corresponded to the size ofthe salivary gland, yet while absolute investment increasedwith gland size, the relative investment decreased. Mating costsfor males thus depend on nutritional status.
Keywords:female and male choice   indicator theory   Mecoptera   nuptial feeding   sexual selection.
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