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Ethylene regulation of fruit ripening: Molecular aspects
Authors:Yueming Jiang  Jiarui Fu
Affiliation:(1) South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 510650, P. R. China;(2) School of Life, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, 510275, P. R. China
Abstract:Progress in ethylene regulating fruit ripening concerning itsperception and signal transduction and expression of ACC synthaseand ACC oxidase genes is reviewed. ACC synthase and ACC oxidasehave been characterized and their genes cloned from various fruittissues. Both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase are encoded bymultigene families, and their activities are associated withfruit ripening. In climacteric fruit, the transition toautocatalytic ethylene production appears to be due to a seriesof events in which ACC sythase and ACC oxidase genes have beenexpressed developmentally. Differential expression of ACCsynthase and ACC oxidase gene family members is probably involvedin such a transition that ultimately controls the onset of fruitripening.In comparison to ACC synthase and ACC oxidase, less is knownabout ethylene perception and signal transduction because of thedifficulties in isolating and purifying ethylene receptors orethylene-binding proteins using biochemical methods. However, theidentification of the Nr tomato ripening mutant as anethylene receptor, the applications of new potent anti-ethylenecompounds and the generation of transgenic fruits with reducedethylene production have provided evidence that ethylenereceptors regulate a defined set of genes which are expressedduring fruit ripening. The properties and functions of ethylenereceptors, such as ETR1, are being elucidated.Application of molecular genetics, in combination withbiochemical approaches, will enable us to better understand theindividual steps leading from ethylene perception and signaltransduction and expression of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genefamily member to the physiological responses.
Keywords:ACC synthase  ACC oxidase  ethylene  fruit  gene expression  regulation  ripening
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