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Effect of Temperature, Light, Nutrients and Dehardening on Abscisic Acid Induced Cold Hardiness in Bromus inermis Leyss Suspension Cultured Cells
Authors:Ishikawa, Masaya   Robertson, Albert J.   Gusta, Lawrence V.
Affiliation:1Department of Genetic Resources, National Institute of Agrobiological Resources Kan'nondai, Tsukuba, 305 Japan
2Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0W0 Canada
Abstract:The effects of culture conditions on abscisic acid (ABA)-inducedfreezing tolerance were determined in smooth bromegrass Bromusinermis Leyss cv. Manchar) cell suspension cultures. Bromegrasscultures initiated with 2 g fr wt of cells achieved maximumfreezing tolerances (greater than –32?C) at 25 to 30?Cin the presence of 75 to 100 µM ABA. High levels of freezingtolerance induced by ABA were correlated with high growth ratesat 25 and 30?C. In control cells, incubation at 10?C inducedoptimum levels of hardiness with minimal growth. Prolonged exposure(6 weeks) of cells to 3?C, with or without ABA, increased freezingtolerance only by several degrees. Exogenous ABA concentrationsgreater than 100 µM were not inhibitory to growth. Repeatedexposure to ABA, however, retarded growth and made the cellstolerant to temperatures below –40?C. Removal of ABA fromthe medium resulted in dehardening of the cells both at 25 and3?C. Nitrogen had a marginal effect on ABA-induced hardeningat 25?C, but inhibited age-dependent hardening of control cellcultures. Light had no effect on the freezing tolerance of culturedcells. Addition of 10% sucrose, 30 min prior to freezing, tobromegrass cells treated with ABA for 4 days increased freezingtolerance more than 15?C. These observations are discussed inrelation to the contrasting behaviour of the low temperatureand photoperiod dependent cold acclimation of plants (Received July 14, 1989; Accepted October 23, 1989)
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