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作者姓名:董学书  王学忠
作者单位:云南省疟疾防治研究所 思茅 (董学书),云南省疟疾防治研究所 思茅(王学忠)
摘    要:笔者等1960年和1981年在昆明市郊龙潭坝水田内,采得一批唇基内毛分枝的按蚊幼虫。1980年在滇西北的德钦县采到同样的幼虫及羽化的成蚊。1981年又专程到龙潭坝再次采集该蚊,经隔离饲养,获得由卵至成蚊各虫期的成套标本,经鉴定为新种——昆明按蚊Anopheles kunmingensis,sp.nov。 雌蚊 中型蚊虫,翅长3.9—4.3毫米。顶鳞在中央处为乳白色,扩展至两侧为棕灰色。后头竖鳞深棕色。触角梗节及鞭节2—5有较多的窄白鳞,唇基两侧各有一小丛深棕色鳞片。触须(图1)较为粗糙,基部鳞片蓬松状,在中央处杂有白鳞,有白环4个,

关 键 词:按蚊属  双翅目  蚊科  新种  昆明  龙潭坝

Dong Xueshu.A NEW SPECIES OF GENUS ANOPHELES (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE)[J].Zoological Research,1985,6(2):117-122.
Authors:Dong Xueshu
Abstract:The new species, Anopheles kunmingensis was found in collections made in Long-tan Ba, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. It is a medium-sized mosquito, wing 3.9-4.3 mm in length.A. kunmingensis is related to A, sinensis, hyrcanus group, from which it can be readily differentiated by the characters listed in the following table:A. sinensisdeck broader, occupies 42.4% of the egg widthCharacters A. kunmingensis sp. nov. Egg float-deck intermediate in width,occupies 22-27% of the eggwidthLarva inner clypeal hairs 2-5 branched inner clypeal hair singlePupa wing case with no spotFemale V.6 with three dark spots; pale bands on tarsi broader; hind tarsus 4 with basal pale bandMale phallosome leaflets 5 pairs, almost equal in length; dorsal lobe of clasper with three clubsWing case with spots, distributed along the direction of the veinsV.6 with two dark spots pale bands on tarsi narrow; no basal pale band on hind tarsus 4phallosome leaflets 5-6 pairs, the internal pair the longest and the ex the smallest, dorsal lobe of clasper with two clubs.Holotype 1 , paratypes 38 , 9 , the skin of 16 larvae and 10 pupae, and a batch of eggs, all, except 1 , l and 1 larva deposited in the Biology Department of the Guiyang Medical College, are preserved by the writer.
Keywords:Anopheles Diptera Culicidae New species Kunming Long-tan Ba
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