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The Role of the Stem in the Partitioning of Na+ and K+ in Salt-Treated Barley
Authors:WOLF, O.   MUNNS, R.   TONNET, M. L.   JESCHKE, W. D.
Abstract:Hordeum vulgare cv. California Mariout was grown for 50 d insand culture at 100 mol m–3 NaCl. Xylem sap was collectedthrough incisions at the base of individual leaves along thestem axis by applying pressure to the root system. K+ concentrationsin the xylem sap reaching individual leaves increased towardsthe apex, while concentrations of Na+, NO3–, and Cl–declined. Phloem exudate was obtained by collecting into Li2EDTAfrom the base of excised leaves. K/Na ratios of phloem exudatesincreased from older to younger leaves. K/Na ratios in xylem sap and phloem exudate were combined withchanges in ion content between two harvests (38 and 45 d aftergermination) and the direction of phloem export from individualleaves, to construct an empirical model of K+ and Na+ net flowswithin the xylem and phloem of the whole plant. This model indicatesthat in old leaves, phloem export of K+ greatly exceeded xylemimport. In contrast, Na+ export was small compared to importand Na+ once imported was retained within the leaf. The direction of export strongly depended on leaf age. Old,basal leaves preferentially supplied the root, and most of theK+ retranslocated to the roots was transferred to the xylemand subsequently became available to the shoot. Upper leavesexported to the apex. Young organs were supplied by xylem andphloem, with the xylem preferentially delivering Na+ , and thephloem most of the K+ . For the young ear, which was still coveredby the sheath of the flag leaf, our calculation predicts phloemimport of ions to such an extent that the surplus must havebeen removed by an outward flow in the xylem. Within the culm,indications for specific transfers of K+ and Na+ between xylemand phloem and release or absorption of these ions by the tissuewere obtained. The sum of these processes in stem internodes and leaves ledto a non-uniform distribution of Na+ and K+ within the shoot,Na+ being retained in old leaves and basal stem internodes,and K+ being available for growth and expansion of young tissues. Key words: Hordeum vulgare L., K+, Na+, stem, salt stress
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