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Dynamic Polar Sequestration of Excess MurG May Regulate Enzymatic Function
Authors:Allison M Michaelis  Zemer Gitai
Institution:Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Abstract:Advances in bacterial cell biology have demonstrated the importance of protein localization for protein function. In general, proteins are thought to localize to the sites where they are active. Here we demonstrate that in Escherichia coli, MurG, the enzyme that mediates the last step in peptidoglycan subunit biosynthesis, becomes polarly localized when expressed at high cellular concentrations. MurG only becomes polarly localized at levels that saturate MurG''s cellular requirement for growth, and E. coli cells do not insert peptidoglycan at the cell poles, indicating that the polar MurG is not active. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and single-cell biochemistry experiments demonstrate that polar MurG is dynamic. Polar MurG foci are distinct from inclusion body aggregates, and polar MurG can be remobilized when MurG levels drop. These results suggest that polar MurG represents a temporary storage mechanism for excess protein that can later be remobilized into the active pool. We investigated and ruled out several candidate pathways for polar MurG localization, including peptidoglycan biosynthesis, the MreB cytoskeleton, and polar cardiolipin, as well as MurG enzymatic activity and lipid binding, suggesting that polar MurG is localized by a novel mechanism. Together, our results imply that inactive MurG is dynamically sequestered at the cell poles and that prokaryotes can thus utilize subcellular localization as a mechanism for negatively regulating enzymatic activity.Cells need ways to deal with having more of a specific protein than they need. Left unchecked, excess protein can be toxic to the cell and interfere with essential processes. In prokaryotes, a common mechanism for dealing with excess protein is degradation (30). Bacterial proteases can break down proteins, salvaging amino acids to produce new protein. This process costs time and energy, especially if the protein being degraded is essential and will need to be resynthesized later. Excess protein can also aggregate into insoluble inclusion bodies. In inclusion bodies, proteins are generally misfolded, and though in some cases these proteins can be refolded (24, 35), inclusion body proteins are not readily accessible for use by the cell (11). A potential alternative strategy for dealing with excess protein is to temporarily store the protein in an inactive form that can later be dynamically remobilized when needed. Here we propose that Escherichia coli uses subcellular localization of MurG to accomplish such dynamic storage.MurG is an essential, membrane-associated N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase involved in catalyzing the final step of peptidoglycan subunit biosynthesis (4, 21). In E. coli, the peptidoglycan cell wall determines both cell shape and growth rate (17). During growth and division, E. coli cells add new peptidoglycan both along the lateral cylindrical portion of the cell and at the division plane, but no new peptidoglycan is added at the cell poles (10). Previous efforts to study the localization of MurG have found that MurG localizes to the cell periphery and division plane in E. coli (25). In this study, we demonstrate that E. coli MurG also localizes to the cell poles in a concentration-dependent manner. We find that the polar MurG represents a dynamic pool of excess protein, suggesting that polar accumulation represents an accessible form of temporary storage.
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