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Prolyl Aminopeptidase from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus Strain NBRC14270 and Synthesis of Proline-Containing Peptides by Its S144C Variant
Authors:Yukihiro Yamamoto  Hirokazu Usuki  Masaki Iwabuchi  Tadashi Hatanaka
Affiliation:Okayama Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Research Institute for Biological Sciences (RIBS), 7549-1 Kibichuo-cho, Kaga-gun, Okayama 716-1241, Japan
Abstract:We specifically examined an exopeptidase, prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP), as a target for synthesis of proline-containing peptides. A PAP from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus NBRC14270 (PAP14270) was obtained using sequence-based screening. From PAP14270, 144Ser was replaced by Cys (scPAP14270) to give aminolysis activity. In contrast to wild-type PAP14270, scPAP14270 produced a polymer of proline benzyl ester and cyclo[Pro-Pro]. The product mass was confirmed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Several factors affecting the reaction, such as the pH, concentration of the substrate, and reaction time, were measured to determine their effects. Furthermore, a correlation was found between substrate specificity in proline peptide synthesis and the log D value of acyl acceptors in aminolysis catalyzed by scPAP14270. Results showed that dipeptide synthesis proceeded in a weakly acidic environment and that cyclization and polymerization occurred under alkaline conditions. Furthermore, results suggest that almost all amino acid esters whose log D value is greater than 0, except hydroxyproline benzyl ester (Hyp-OBzl), can be recognized as acyl acceptors. These findings support the use of PAPs as a tool for production of physiologically active proline peptides.Prolyl aminopeptidase (PAP) (EC, belonging to the S33 family, is an exopeptidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the N terminus prolyl residue of peptides or proteins. This family has catalytic Ser. To date, few applications of this enzyme for peptide synthesis have been reported. However, from the perspective of biotechnology, PAP might be a good tool for synthesizing proline-containing peptides by catalyzing aminolysis.Recently nutraceutical properties of peptides containing proline have received increasing attention. For example, prolyl hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp) stimulates the growth of fibroblasts from mouse skin (11). Pro-Arg can protect against oxidative stress/damage and H2O2-induced human diploid fibroblast cell death (13). Furthermore, the lactotripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro exhibit angiotensin I-converting enzyme-inhibiting activity (9). In addition to these dipeptides and tripeptides, a cyclic dipeptide (namely, diketopiperazine) containing proline shows several physiological functions. Cyclo[Pro-Pro] (cPP) exerts antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8). Caspase-3 activation by cyclo[Pro-Phe] in HT-29 cells has been described (3). However, its synthesis method has not been established. Enzymatic peptide synthesis presents a useful and desirable strategy because it can conduct specific reactions under milder conditions than those of chemical synthesis.Engineered endoserine proteases that have Cys substituted for catalytic Ser have also been applied for peptide synthesis since subtiligase was constructed by Abrahmsén et al. (1). Because of the weakened hydrolytic activity of the parent enzyme, it is considered that Ser/Cys-substituted protease can trap the substrate (acyl donor). Then, a nucleophilic reaction occurs between another substrate (acyl acceptor) and the trapped acyl donor (2). This is a so-called “aminolysis” reaction. Although aminolysis can conduct peptide synthesis in an aqueous solution, the problem of the necessity of using an N-protected amino acid as an acyl donor remains when using endoproteases.These problems would be solved using exoprotease as a catalyst, because N-terminal free amino groups of acyl donors are recognized by enzymes. It is rarely reported that exoprotease was applied for peptide synthesis, except in the report of Oshiro et al., in which Pro-Phe, Pro-Tyr, and Pro-Trp were synthesized (10). Recently our group reported that the Ser/Cys variant of exoprotease, aminolysin-S, has been constructed and has produced l-Phe-l-Phe ethyl ester and their derivatives from non-N-protected phenylalanine and phenylalanine ethyl ester as acyl donors in aqueous solution (12). However, aminolysin-S cannot produce proline-containing dipeptides.In this study, we describe a PAP from Streptomyces thermoluteus subsp. fuscus strain NBRC14270 (PAP14270). Furthermore, synthesis of various proline peptides was attempted through catalysis by its Ser/Cys variant (scPAP14270) from proline ester and several amino acids and their esters in aqueous solution. A basic characterization to determine the effect of pH and the amount of substrate was conducted. Moreover, correlation was found between proline peptide synthesis and the log D value, which is the distribution coefficient between octanol and water, of acyl acceptors in aminolysis mediated by scPAP14270.
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